Patti Varol has been editing and creating puzzles for more than twenty years. She is Executive Editor at PuzzleNation, managing and overseeing puzzle content for Daily POP and other PuzzleNation mobile apps.
Patti is also the editor of the Los Angeles Times Crossword, which you can solve online here.
Submission guidelines for the LA Times Crossword can be found here.
Patti has constructed puzzles for many crossword tournaments, including Boswords and Lollapuzzoola; her puzzles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Crosswords Club, Daily POP crosswords, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Washington Post. She also created the Critical Thinking chapter of puzzles for Bend Your Brain, a challenging and fun book of puzzles and word games by Marbles: The Brain Store.
In 2022, Patti curated a collection of puzzles by women for Women’s History Month.