Women of Letters is a packet of 18 clever, fun crossword puzzles created and edited by some of the top constructors in the business. We happen to be women.
Donate $10 or more to any charity dedicated to the help, protection, education, and support of women. Some suggestions are offered below.
Send a copy or screenshot of your receipt as proof of donation to WomenofLettersCrosswords@gmail.com
And we will email you the puzzle pack!
Laura Braunstein
Tracy Bennett
C.C. Burnikel
Amanda Chung
Debbie Ellerin
Gail Grabowski
Tracy Gray
Mary Lou Guizzo
Angela Olson Halsted
Pam Amick Klawitter
Sarah Keller
Lynn Lempel
Donna S. Levin
Ruth Bloomfield Margolin
Andrea Carla Michaels
Robin Stears
Robyn Weintraub

This project has been in the works since early 2017. At the 2017 ACPT, Deb Amlen, the writer of Wordplay, was inspired by a “Publish More Women” T-shirt proudly worn by the crossworder/activist/shameless punster Erik Agard. Deb contacted editors Amy Reynaldo and Patti Varol, and “Women of Letters” began.
If you are a regular solver of newspaper crosswords, you may have noticed that all of the editors are men. You may have also noticed that women’s names don’t appear as often as men’s names in the puzzle bylines. But the thing is, whether you noticed that or not, women have been here. We’ve been editing and proofreading, constructing and solving, and, well, we’ve been perfecting crosswords. We persist. It’s what we do.
But for real, you guys, we need to Publish More Women.